Apexification procedure in Conyers, GA – for the long, healthy “life” of your treated tooth

With root canal treatment, you should enjoy your treated tooth for many years to come with no problems and with little more than the “usual” good oral care. Yet, the latter part of the process, the restoration, can either harm or help the healing process, which affects the outcome of your procedure. The Apexification Procedure in Conyers, GA, at the specialty practice of Drs Rolin Desir, Alison St. Paul, and Candace De Veaux further helps to support the success of root canal treatment by keeping the filling that seals off the innermost tooth structure strong and resilient. In this manner, the treated tooth is resistant to fractures and breakage, a process that further promotes harmful bacteria and reinfection.
Apexification, at greater length
The “apex” in “apexification” refers to a part of the tooth that exists at the ends of tooth roots. Within this opening, there is a network of nerves and blood vessels that nourish the pulp inside of the tooth. When infection spreads through the apex, an abscess can arise that affects the periapical tissue beyond this opening. This situation can be resolved with a course of antibiotics and nonsurgical treatment.
The apexification technique involves the placement of medication at the apex. This medication encourages the formation of hard tissue at the root’s tip. The closure of the root end is induced and provides a barrier between the filling that is placed during the root canal treatment and potential outside threats. These “threats” largely involve the harmful bacteria that can invade the treated tooth, resulting in their colonization and reinfection and a source of persistent irritation to the tissues surrounding the root.
While Conyers Endodontic Center is adept at retreatment options, why treat when you can prevent? Apexification presents a way to eliminate the cracks and fractures that cause treated teeth to fail. It has a high degree of success when advanced materials and bonding techniques are used to strengthen endodontically-treated teeth to the level of unadulterated teeth. We are proud of our relationships with dental providers and coordinate with them. So, your restoration is placed promptly to help support the protection of the treated tooth.
Root canal therapy is common parlance. Apexification is not. At Conyers Endodontic Center, we are adept at these and other advanced techniques and procedures and have sophisticated diagnostics to further support precision treatment. Call (470) 486-6025 to schedule your appointment at our office in Conyers, GA, serving Covington, Loganville, Lithonia, Snellville, and the surrounding area.