FAQ for Conyers, GA specialists: What can I expect after completion of endodontic treatment?
Like all procedures, the endodontic treatment’s success depends partly on factors such as your needs and unique anatomical characteristics. And, while endodontic treatment such as root canal therapy has an exceptional track record (more than 90%), complications can arise. Fortunately, many of these complications can be resolved spontaneously or relatively straightforward (with antibiotics). Delayed healing can also be avoided by practicing proper after-care.
Drs Desir, St. Paul, and De Veaux are happy to provide some insight into what to expect after completion of treatment at the Conyers, GA office of Conyers Endodontic Center.
The treated tooth may be sensitive for a few days after root canal therapy. It is most likely if you had a painful infection before treatment. As specialists, we use sophisticated technologies and techniques to support your comfort and to promote healthy, efficient healing. We can also discuss ways to relieve discomfort following the procedure. If medications are prescribed or products recommended, follow the directions provided by your doctor closely.
If pain or pressure is severe, you may feel like history is repeating itself! Indeed, that may be the case. If you continue to experience extreme pain for a few days, contact us immediately. Remember how we mentioned “anatomical characteristics”? It is possible for a new infection to arise, as very narrow or curved canals can go “under the radar” and require retreatment. Numbness or tingling can (rarely) indicate nerve injury among patients with treated lower premolars and molars. Often, these sensation-related changes resolve without treatment.
The answer is “no” – until you get the tooth restored. The reason being root canal-treated teeth with temporary restorations are very delicate. The permanent restoration is the crucial, protective “finishing touch.” So, we encourage you to chew on the side of the face that is opposite from the treated tooth. That way, you are not putting undue pressure on the tooth, which is vulnerable to fracture until a restoration (usually a crown) is placed.
None! Once your dentist restores the treated tooth, you can eat and otherwise use and care for your tooth like other unaltered teeth. By following excellent oral hygiene at home and maintaining hygiene appointments at your dentist’s office, you avoid the reinfections and other oral conditions that threaten the tooth.
Teeth preserved with endodontic treatment are built to last. We welcome any concerns or questions that you may have about endodontic procedures. (470) 486-6025.